Darktrace/OT Solution Brief

Darktrace/OT is the only OT cybersecurity solution that natively covers IT and OT providing visibility of OT, IoT, and IT assets in unison encompassing network and cloud-connected IT systems to specialized OT assets, achieving greater visibility of OT and IT devices across all levels of the Purdue Model.

Read the solution brief to learn more about Darktrace/OT and its new innovations.



Darktrace/OT Solution Brief

Darktrace/OT Solution Brief

Darktrace/OT is the only OT cybersecurity solution that natively covers IT and OT providing visibility of OT, IoT, and IT assets in unison encompassing network and cloud-connected IT systems to specialized OT assets, achieving greater visibility of OT and IT devices across all levels of the Purdue Model.

Read the solution brief to learn more about Darktrace/OT and its new innovations.

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